Honey MadisoninSimply LifeA few of my favorite thingsExperiencing the little things that make life a bit more enjoyableDec 19, 2019Dec 19, 2019
Honey MadisoninSimply LifeA homemade ChristmasI’m a whirlwind of frenzied decorating in reds, greens, and golds because my family will be arriving soon!Dec 12, 2019Dec 12, 2019
Honey MadisoninSimply LifeMore whipped cream, pleaseHow can someone order a yummy, sugar-filled creation and NOT have whipped cream?Dec 5, 2019Dec 5, 2019
Honey MadisoninSimply LifeThankfully, there is ThanksgivingCrushed between Halloween excitement (with candy recovery) and the Christmas rush, it is easy to overlookNov 28, 2019Nov 28, 2019
Honey MadisoninSimply LifeI didn’t mean it that way!Why is it that what I say so often sounds sexually charged and, daresay, downright naughty?Nov 21, 2019Nov 21, 2019
Honey MadisoninSimply Life“Impossible to mess up” Cinnamon RollsOnly true if the recipe is honey-proofNov 14, 2019Nov 14, 2019
Honey MadisoninSimply LifeAm I giving away too much candy for Halloween?Not if every parent only allowed small, cute containers to put candy inOct 31, 2019Oct 31, 2019
Honey MadisoninSimply LifeI created a pumpkinstein!For most of my life, I had little to no experience carving a pumpkin, but I do know good toolsOct 24, 2019Oct 24, 2019
Honey MadisoninSimply LifePicking Halloween moviesHandsome and I get to pick three movies each; his are horror, mine are feel-good fluffOct 17, 2019Oct 17, 2019